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Exhibition | The Next ____ 續篇 |HK Ceramic Art

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

The Next ____ 續篇 | 香港陶藝家作品聯展 Exhibition of HK Ceramic Art


是次展覽將展出四位本地青年陶藝家龍悅程,林家燕,何欣樺及 a minute studio為此次展覽創作的作品,他們結合多年陶藝創作經驗,以The next (object)為主題進行發想,創作出日常器具及裝置藝術等不同範疇的作品。同場展出藝術家的過往作品,以時間為軸線呈現藝術創作的延續性及發展性。



開幕式:27/3/2020 (Fri) 6pm-9pm


a minute studio @aminutestudio

龍悅程 @joycelungyuetching_art

林家燕 @georamics

何欣樺 @arlinrabbit .


無用生活 | 上海街分號



#exhibition 【The Next _____| Joint Exhibition of HK Ceramic Art】

The ultimate presentation of ceramic works is the pursuit of breakthroughs in the endless cycle of artistic creation. What comes next? What kind of clay, glaze, and technique to use to present the concept behind? What is its connection with the works in the past? Ceramic artists never stop questioning themselves.

With the theme “The next”, four young, yet experienced ceramic artists, namely Joyce Lung Yuet Ching, Kayin Lam, Ho Yan Wa, and a minute studio, created pieces of ceramic work which range from daily ceramic products to installation art. The exhibition will also showcase some previous works of the artists, revealing the continuity of their artistic creation over time.

Exhibition Period:27/3/2020-12/4/2020

Opening Hours:11am-9pm

Opening Event:27/3/2020 (Fri) 6pm-9pm


a minute studio @aminutestudio

Joyce Lung Yuet Ching @joycelungyuetching_art

Kayin Lam @georamics

Ho Yan Wa @arlinrabbit .


Useless Studio | 618 Shanghai Street

Shop 105, 1F, 618 Shanghai Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong


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